Calf Raising Pen Shelters – Improve calf weight and health with Calf Raising Pens
- Manage your calf health effectively.
- Easily match cow colostrum to calf (ease of management).
- Food management – spot calves that are not eating quickly.
- Control calf hygiene effectively.
- Calves are protected from the elements.
- Improve staff working conditions.
- Reduce calf injuries.
Farmers are increasingly turning to mechanization to increase productivity and save on labour. Herringbone and rotary dairy designs have significantly improved milking turn around times. They save money on labour and have proven to be less stressful on cows. Feeding and managing calves is an area where management and productivity gains can still be had. Having a calf rearing shed with calf raising pens, is the obvious choice for gaining efficiencies and being able to better manage calves – the future of your herd. Starting with a steel structure shed for your calf rearing pens, gives you the immediate benefit of protecting your calves from injuries, ensuring they are in a shed, sheltered from the elements and provides better working and management conditions for your staff. With a calf raising pen, you’ll then have the option expand to an automated feeding pen system. The addition of an automated feeding pen, you can consistently ensure your calves are receiving the correct amount of milk. Automated calve feeding systems can reliably and consistently ensure calves drink about 4.5l to 5 l per day. Up from an average of 3l per day when hand fed. With this type of system and management in place the calves grow out faster, can be weaned at two months. That’s about a month earlier than weaning of un-managed calves. Regardless of whether you choose to feed your calves manually or by using automation, the benefits of a steel structure calf raising shed are still significant. [vt adwords_keyword]
Or are you looking for something more specific, such as:
Farm Equipment Storage Sheds, Fertilizer Shed | Seed Storage Shed | Grain Shed, Rotary Dairy Shed, Calf Raising Pens | Calf-rearing Shed Facilities, Sheep Lambing Houses, Poultry Houses | Broiler Houses | Layer Units, Feedpad | Freestall Housing, Office Warehouse, Steel Structure Warehouse and Steel Structure Church Building.