Fertilizer & Seed Storage Structures – Buy Bulk and Save. Free up extra cash into your farm
- Protected from the rain – no more mouldy seed or rock hard fertilizer.
- Bulk buying can save you over 5% per ton.
- Lower your transport costs.
- Loading the trailer from bulk is quick. The tractor is in the fields doing work quicker.
- No need to use manual labour to load bags into the trailer. Free up your labour for other tasks.
- Buy bulk when the prices are at their lowest to save even more.
Ever covered your seed or fertilizer with a tarpaulin and the rats chewed holes in it? Or the wind picked up and caught a section and ripped the tarpaulin loose? You often only discover this when you need it and you pull back the tarpaulin and your seed is mouldy or the fertilizer is rock hard. Or, even worse, someone has helped themselves to a whole lot of bags.
Also, buying fertilizer and seed in bags, only as and when you need them, is more expensive way to operate your farm!
When you have the option of safe bulk fertilizer storage in farm storage sheds, you gain the advantage of buying when the price is right, at a bulk discounted rate. Add these saving up over time and the extra cash available for other aspects of operating your farm or for family enjoyment, is significant.
One of our clients paid for his fertilizer storage shed building with the savings on his first bulk fertilizer purchase. Agreed, he is a big operator, but the principle still stands. It may take you a few seasons to achieve the same, but once you have the option of an on farm storage building, many possibilities present themselves.
Storing your fertilizer and seed correctly in dry fertilizer, grain and seed storage units until needed, is crucial to retaining the cost benefit of upfront bulk buying. Therefore your fertilizer or seed shed building needs to reliably protect your investment from the elements. Especially from rain where you’ll either end up with mouldy seed or rock hard fertilizer.
The same is true of a good grain storage shed. When you are under pressure during harvest, a grain storage shed facility will give you peace of mind, so you can focus on keeping your harvesters working efficiently.
Use our expertise and experience to give you the fertilizer or seed shed that’ll keep your bulk buying investment safe.
With a secure and weather proof fertilizer or seed shed, you benefit from the cost savings your bulk fertilizer & seed buying strategy brings.
Similarly, being able to store your grain harvest in a safe & secure grain storage shed, you are able to take advantage of keeping your grain until you can sell it at the best price or for when you can use it for your own feed needs.
Separating fertiliser by storing in separate bays will ensure minimal contamination with other chemicals or chemical products.
Your fertiliser storage buildings need to be sited so as to minimise any risk of environmental contamination. In particular, your fertilizer storage sites should be sited to avoid the risk of direct water contact with your stored fertiliser. This includes the entry of storm water or run-off during heavy rain and storms.
Fertiliser buildings should be constructed using a design that ensures your stored fertiliser remains in a usable condition. In particular, it’s essential that your fertiliser is kept dry. Fertiliser that get wet will form hard clumps that’ll have to be broken down before use. Constructing bays will ensure your fertilizer stays free from contamination by other fertiliser types or any foreign material.
Another consideration is that the fertiliser bays should be designed to ensure unloading is as direct as possible and allow for easy retrieval from the storage bays.
Ensure your fertiliser is stored on an impermeable surface to prevent leaching to groundwater and to prevent the localised accumulation of contaminants in the soil.
Reduce post harvest losses
For best storage performance,
- Ensure the seed is thoroughly cleaned and graded,
- Dried to a safe storage moisture level of 10-12% for cereal seeds and 7-9% for oil seeds (on wet basis). This will allow for a safe storage period of 6-12 months.
- Keep your seed storage structure in good repair, cleaned and disinfected,
- Ensure your structure is designed to bear the load of seeds stored,
- Ensure your structure is designed to minimise contact with outside humid air,
- Your seed storage structures should be constructed in the coolest part of the property or farm.
Bag storage or Bulk storage?
Most grain stores have been designed for bag handling, reflecting the low cost of manual labour. Bulk grain storage and handling has been introduced throughout the developing world, but the results have not been that effective.
There are, however, instances when bulk handling is economically justified.
- Bulk handling tends to be least viable for the long-term storage of grain, where stocks are only turned over once a year or less.
- The use of combine harvesters in is an incentive to start handling your grain in bulk.
- Market conditions are of such a nature that it makes financial sense to store rather than sell.
- You have a mechanical grain transfer capability direct to bulk trucks.
- Problems with labour shortage creating congestion with a bag handling system.
Or are you looking for something more specific, such as:
Farm Equipment Storage Sheds, Fertilizer Shed | Seed Storage Shed | Grain Shed, Rotary Dairy Shed, Calf Raising Pens | Calf-rearing Shed Facilities, Sheep Lambing Houses, Poultry Houses | Broiler Houses | Layer Units, Feedpad | Freestall Housing, Office Warehouse, Steel Structure Warehouse and Steel Structure Church Building.